





腾讯泡泡龙休闲养成手游,全面升级了泡泡龙的经典模式并加入了超爽的无尽挑战以及超多 详情>

泡泡新升级,开启2.0时代!夺岛精英新关卡,挑战神秘BOSS,争夺世界排行榜,让我们一起畅爽消除!十亿微信QQ用户首选的休闲游戏——《全民泡泡大战》全面升级!经典泡泡龙玩法,500个惊喜关卡,更有激萌伙伴,个性宠物陪你一起冒险!创新的好友对战,即时同屏对战,快来与同城、异地的小伙伴们一起嗨!在这个酷热夏日,泡泡带你激情游戏,畅快交友!【游戏特色】-创意关卡、甜蜜地图、极限挑战高分无极限。创新元素融入经典玩法,根本停不下来!-全新【夺岛精英】地图,考验你的时候到了!不要担心BOSS,战胜它你就是屠龙勇士!-挑战【秘境】关卡,集齐宝物,即可召唤SS宠物【神龙大侠】、【玄武仙人】!-【神宠召唤】、【奇遇抽宠】,宠物收集就是这么简单、随心所欲!-任性PK对战,好友聊天频道【邀请对战】,打泡泡乐趣无穷!-理财计划中各种【基金】助你通关,学会理财钻石不愁!-【限时特价】,就是来的这么及时,在你需要它的时候它就会来到你身边。【联系我们】官方QQ群1:300950302官方QQ群2:429213741官方QQ群3:429246808官方QQ群4:254407058官方QQ群5:431708573在游戏《全民泡泡大战》中,用户使用平台账号(QQ或微信)登录,能够同步游戏中部分数据,包括等级、好友等非通过购买累计的数值。用户在游戏中购买的游戏代币“钻石”仅限于在此应用中使用。腾讯平台上的虚拟货币, 比如Q币、Q点都无法在游戏内使用。The game 《全民泡泡大战》 is independent and separate from any other platform regarding acquisition of purchasable item/content. Users logged in with their Tencent's platform accounts (either QQ or WeChat) are able to sync non-purchasing related information/data in the game, such as friend list, score and level. Game currencies purchased/earned outside of the app. Similarly, any game currencies purchased/earned in 《全民泡泡大战》 on any other platform cannot be used in this app either. The app doesn't use any QQ digital currency, such as Q币 or Q点.《全民泡泡大战》游戏内一切抽奖活动与苹果公司无关,最终解释权归腾讯公司所有。The game 《全民泡泡大战》 is independent and separate from any other platform regarding acquisition of purchasable item/content. Users logged in with their Tencent's platform accounts (either QQ or WeChat) are able to sync non-purchasing related information/data in the game, such as friend list, score and level. Game currencies purchased/earned outside of the app. Similarly, any game currencies purchased/earned in 《全民泡泡大战》 on any other platform cannot be used in this app either. The app doesn't use any QQ digital currency, such as Q币 or Q点.
